Top 4 zonnebril problemen die EveryWear heeft opgelost! - EveryWear Shop

Top 4 sunglasses problems EveryWear solved!

EveryWear shop

Common problems with sunglasses

Almost everyone knows the common sunglasses problems. Now you may think, what does he mean by this, but if I sketch you the following scenario you will probably understand.

You are enjoying a sunny summer holiday and have put on your newly bought sunglasses. You just walk into a restaurant or shop and quickly put your sunglasses on your head because otherwise you can't see anything. The moment you walk outside you try to put the glasses back on your nose, but then your hair turns out to be stuck between the hinge and / or the nose supports of the glasses! This problem is familiar to most of you.

EveryWear has thought of these problems when designing the pollution-free sunglasses and of course we have also found solutions for them!

Close-up of a hinge in a pair of sunglasses. Connected between the temple and the frame of the sunglasses.

Problem 1: The Hinge

To start with the hinge. Over the past year, EveryWear has scrutinized and addressed every problem of traditional sunglasses while developing the 'Cape Town' model.

Picture 1 shows the hinge of the pollution-free 'Cape Town' sunglasses. Because these glasses are 'one of a kind' and the frame has been designed from scratch, the hinge lies completely flat in the frame. Thanks to this improvement, you can put your sunglasses on your head without any worries, without them getting stuck in your hair.

Close-up of the nosepieces on a pair of black pollution-free sunglasses.

Problem 2: Nose support

In addition to the hinge, there are also the nose pads that provide the necessary "hair stuck in glasses" scenario. Loose nose pads that you often encounter on traditional sunglasses today often leave an imprint on your face after you have worn the glasses for a while. This is because the full weight of the glasses presses on two small surfaces. This can be remedied by increasing this surface area so that the pressure is more distributed.

In our first model we looked at how this can be incorporated into the frame, without it looking crazy or striking. The result can be seen in image 2. Two nose supports that are fully incorporated in the front to prevent your hair from getting stuck in it.

Now you may be thinking, "but I occasionally adjust my nose pads?". No worries. Because the sunglasses are made of strong material which is very flexible, you can easily adjust everything to your own liking. For example, if the supports are just a bit too far apart, you can easily bend the two glasses towards each other and hold them in that position for a few counts. After the bending process, the bridge of the nose will keep this shape and your sunglasses will fit perfectly. Still original again? Even then you just bend it back in the same way.

Problem 3: Cleaning sunglasses lenses

You go to the beach, the city for a day or you take a ride in your new convertible on a sunny day. In addition to these moments, there are many more when you grab your sunglasses. Very recognizable that it has greasy fingers and/or that sand from the day at the beach has remained between the edge of the lens and the frame. No matter how well you polish, that sand unfortunately does not just come out from between the edge and you will always find stains on the edge of the glass. Because this is also an irritation for us, a solution must be found.

Probably not very unexpected if you happen to have seen Figure 3, but the answer is yes. With the EveryWear Cape Town, you can easily click the glass out of the frame yourself. Perhaps you have the thought "will it not just break?". Do not worry. The frame is made in such a way that you can easily click the glass out from the inside out. The glass is also made of strong material, making it almost impossible to break during this process. You can read about our recommended scratch-free cleaning process in another blog post on our website soon!

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Close-up of a sunglasses frame without lenses. The glasses are on the table in front of the frame.

Problem 4: The right glasses case

A glasses case should protect your sunglasses well, unfortunately you don't always get them when you buy your glasses and you have to buy them yourself. Although the EveryWear sunglasses are very flexible and strong, we provide a free hard case with every pair of sunglasses. This glasses case contains a nose support so that it will not dent when it is at the bottom of the bag. This way you can be sure that your sunglasses will not be damaged.

Because EveryWear considers it important to produce pollution-free products, this case has not lagged behind in this either. The case is made from recycled fishing nets. Thanks to the handy magnetic closure you can always easily take your sunglasses in and out of the case.

Close-up of the ear of black sunglasses.Close-up side view of a pair of black EveryWear Capetown sunglasses.